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Temporary Energy Fee Details

As a result of recent unexpected increases in energy costs, your charges have been increased by the addition of a Temporary Energy Fee. The Temporary Energy Fee is intended to help us address the anticipated financial impact of the recent unexpected increases in costs for gasoline, diesel, and other energy related products used on an enterprise-wide basis.


The amount of the Temporary Energy Fee is not directly tied to direct or indirect costs associated with serving any particular customer. Instead, this fee is an attempt to address the anticipated total financial impact of these excess energy related costs from the portion of our customer base where this fee is applied. 


Please see your invoice for the flat fee appliable to your account. Given the current volatility in fuel and other energy related product prices, we may experience further financial impacts. If this occurs, we may increase the amount of the Temporary Energy Fee. Invoice notice will be provided if the fee is increased.


We will regularly monitor this situation and the Temporary Energy Fee will be reduced or lowered to zero when the impact of these unexpected increases in energy related product costs moderates.

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